About Guruji

Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji  was born and raised in India and comes from a highly spiritual family with a long established history of healing. She is a direct descendent of the Sikh Gurus on her maternal side and is from the royal lineage from her paternal side. Her spiritual lineage descends from Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Neem Karoliji Maharaj who was widely known as ‘The Healing Saint of Northern India’.


From an early age, Guruji was able to converse, see and transform energies. She spent her educational years in India and England completing her MA and MBA. She has worked with leading scientists in the Himalayas on the healing properties of pure essential oils and conducted groundbreaking experiments with flower and crystals/gem elixirs in Australia for more than 18 years. Her ultimate goal is to help individuals heal their lives by removing energy blocks from all energy levels of the body, assisting them to lead a more fulfilling, abundant and purposeful life. Guruji aims to guide individuals mentally, intellectually and logically to understand life in its totality.


With a naturally gifted ability to shift, balance and reconstruct energies at all levels, Guruji has developed a highly specialized system of rebalancing energies in which she changes and transfers energies to assist you in releasing disease, pain or discomfort from your physical, mental and astral body. By tapping into the energy patterns attached to your energetic body, Guruji then assists you to cleanse the energetic and physical body of all unwanted patterns. This then enhances the positive aspects of your entire being.

Meeting Babaji



Although it was common in Indian tradition for a daughter to get married, it was never Her Holiness’s Intention to find a life partner. Her abilities were heightened as She grew up and learned more about Her self and Her abilities. With Her interest in the science of astrology, palm-reading, essential oils, and crystals, She kept Herself busy in Her own education.



One day during Guruji’s time in Australia, She came across a Tarot Card Reader and decided to get Her reading done lightheartedly. As usual, the Tarot Card reader, like any other spiritual practitioners, knew that Her Holiness was of another level and tremendously more superior than Her. The lady went on and did a reading for Guruji anyway. It was there that She opened cards that would Guruji how Guruji would go on a search for Her Guru.

Confused and to Her very surprised, Guruji said that in the religion that She grew up in (the Sikh religion), She was born with Ten Gurus already. Why on Earth would She look for another one?


The Tarot Card reader could only tell Her Holiness what was revealed in the card. And so it was then that Her Holiness Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji embarked on Her own journey of finding Her very own Guru – His Holiness, Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Sevanada Ji Maharaj.

His Holiness, Sri Sri Sri 1008 Baba Sevanada Ji Maharaj would reveal the course of Her Holiness Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji’s divine life and purpose and uplift it forever.

Lives Tranformed

How does Her Holiness Transform People?

With Her natural abilities to shift, balance, and reconstruct energies at all levels of a being, Guruji has developed a highly specialized system of rebalancing an individual’s energies. By tapping into the energetic, thought patterns attached to our physical and energetic body, Guruji unlocks our entire being to release our disease, pain, and discomfort from our physical, mental, and astral body. These patterns are sometimes stuck with an individual for countless past lifetimes, and only through Her Holiness’s abilities can She cleanse our energies from these unwanted repetitions that keep us stuck lifetime after lifetime.